Complaints Procedure
Page updated on 22/10/2024
Complaints procedure for services provided by the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Art. 1 Applicability of the document The procedure below illustrates the operating methods proposed by the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl for the management of complaints received.
The Organization adopts the following internal procedure to ensure and guarantee:
The procedure is based on the principles of accessibility to make it easy for the Customer to access the procedure, of timeliness to ensure a rapid response to the complaint, of clarity in the responses to be addressed to those who have forwarded the complaints, of traceability, of transparency, of correctness, of objectivity, of free of charge, and of confidentiality.
Client: natural or legal person who has purchased a Mediation or Training Service from the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Service: professional economic activity provided by the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Complainant: customer or his representative who submits a complaint to the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Complaint: expression of dissatisfaction with a service provided by the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl with a request for a solution
The complaint must be made in writing.
The complaint can be made by filling out the form available at the bottom of the page or in free form following the scheme below.
The complaint must contain the following mandatory information:
If the complaint is related to a mediation procedure, it is mandatory to indicate the procedure number assigned by the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Where the complaint relates to a training course, it is mandatory to indicate the title of the training event, the date and place of actual delivery.
If the complaint is related to a mediation procedure, the information provided must guarantee compliance with the confidentiality required by the current legislation on Privacy and by the Regulations of the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl and therefore may not include information or news relating to subjects who took part in the mediation without their formal consent.
The complaint must be submitted in one of the following ways:
Upon receipt of the complaint, the Concordia et Ius srl Conciliation Body assigns a unique identification number and identifies a Complaint Manager to manage the dispute assessment and resolution process.
The Person in Charge of evaluating the complaint preliminarily verifies compliance with the General Conditions of Service Provision, the Regulations, the Code of Ethics in force at the time of provision of the Service subject to the complaint and, if necessary, conducts a more in-depth verification, involving those who may be involved in the provision of the service subject to the disputed complaint, in compliance with the principles of confidentiality. The average response time is in the order of ten days from receipt of the complaint, which may be extended if a more in-depth investigation is necessary, of which the Customer will in any case be informed.
The person designated to evaluate the complaint will decide whether or not the complaint is well-founded.
In the event of acceptance, it will suggest in writing to the complainant the solutions for a possible amicable resolution of the matter. In the event of a complaint deemed unfounded, the complainant and the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl may use the additional tools for alternative dispute resolution.
The Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl adopts a system for recording complaints in electronic format, in which the following must be noted:
1. Summary of the complaint:
2. General information about the complainant:
3. The details of the person responsible for the complaint
4. The outcome of the complaint:
Enter your details and the subject of your complaint.
Press Send and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Conciliation Body accredited by the Ministry of Justice
Registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies
Registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies
Registered in the ADR-AGCOM List of Bodies at no. 1/2023
Registered in the List of ADR-ART Bodies prot. 24676/2023
Registered in the ADR-ARERA List of Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023
Registered on the ODR Platform managed by the European Commission
Tax code and VAT number 01996100507
Allianz Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. 253111508
Address: Via G. Sciuti, 164
90144 - Palermo
Pec: concordiaetius@mypec.euTelefono: 091 772 5986Fax: 091 772 5972
Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Conciliation Body accredited by the Ministry of Justice
Registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies
Registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies
Registered in the ADR-AGCOM List of Bodies at no. 1/2023
Registered in the List of ADR-ART Bodies prot. 24676/2023
Registered in the ADR-ARERA List of Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023
Registered on the ODR Platform managed by the European Commission
Tax code and VAT number 01996100507
Allianz Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. 253111508
Legal headquarters: Via G. Sciuti, 164
90144 - Palermo
Pec: concordiaetius@mypec.euTelefono: 39 091 772 5986Fax:
091 772 5972