How to Start Mediation in Consumer Matters
Page updated on 22/10/2024
Starting a Mediation in Consumer Matters is very simple, just follow these small steps:
Table of compensation for mediation in consumer matters
Fill out and sign the application for mediation in consumer matters
1. If you intend to start a Mediation in Consumer Matters, submit a fully completed application in order to provide all the information needed to identify the parties and the terms of the dispute.
Send it to the Organization, enclosing a copy of the payment of the start-up costs, according to the Table of Indemnities and the ADR Mediation Regulations in Consumer Matters, to the current account in the name of “Organismo di Conciliazione Concordia et Ius srl” at IBAN IT 56 U 03069 04601 100000006777 in one of the following ways:
2. The Secretariat will communicate to the Sent Party that the request to start the ADR procedure has been accepted and the name of the Mediator in charge, inviting it to respond within 15 days of receiving such communication.
3. If the Invited Party agrees to participate, it sends its acceptance, simultaneously pays the fees set out in the Consumer Mediation Fee Tables and the procedure begins.
4. ADR procedures are carried out entirely electronically and in a simplified manner, through non-simultaneous exchange of communications between the Parties and the appointed Conciliator, using remote communication tools, in compliance with the rules on the processing of personal data and confidentiality.
5. The request to initiate the ADR procedure may be rejected by the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl for one of the following reasons:
a) The consumer has not attempted to contact the professional concerned to discuss his complaint or sought, as a first step, to resolve the matter directly with the professionalb) The dispute is frivolous or vexatiousc) The dispute is being examined or has already been examined by another Conciliation Body or by a judicial bodyd) The value of the dispute is lower or higher than a pre-established monetary threshold at a level that does not significantly impair the consumer's access to complaint handlinge) The consumer has not submitted the application to the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl ADR within a pre-established time limit, which must not be less than one year from the date on which the consumer submitted the complaint to the professionalf) The handling of this type of dispute would risk significantly impairing the effective functioning of the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Table of compensation for mediation in consumer matters
Table of compensation for mediation in consumer matters
Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Conciliation Body accredited by the Ministry of Justice
Registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies
Registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies
Registered in the ADR-AGCOM List of Bodies at no. 1/2023
Registered in the List of ADR-ART Bodies prot. 24676/2023
Registered in the ADR-ARERA List of Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023
Registered on the ODR Platform managed by the European Commission
Tax code and VAT number 01996100507
Allianz Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. 253111508
Address: Via G. Sciuti, 164
90144 - Palermo
Pec: concordiaetius@mypec.euTelefono: 091 772 5986Fax: 091 772 5972
Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Conciliation Body accredited by the Ministry of Justice
Registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies
Registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies
Registered in the ADR-AGCOM List of Bodies at no. 1/2023
Registered in the List of ADR-ART Bodies prot. 24676/2023
Registered in the ADR-ARERA List of Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023
Registered on the ODR Platform managed by the European Commission
Tax code and VAT number 01996100507
Allianz Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. 253111508
Legal headquarters: Via G. Sciuti, 164
90144 - Palermo
Pec: concordiaetius@mypec.euTelefono: 39 091 772 5986Fax:
091 772 5972