Organizational chart
Page updated on 22/10/2024
Sole Director
Fabrizio Marciano
Responsible for the Organization
Attorney Pippo Pollina
Graduated in Law at the University of Palermo at the age of 21 on 27.11.1984
Registered with the Palermo Bar Association since 19 July 1988 and founder of the Pollina Law Firm.
Registered in the Special Register for Advocacy before the Higher Courts since 22 April 2016.
By training and vocation, he has directed and managed the civil litigation entrusted to the Pollina Law Firm for over 36 years and deals with contracts with very high quality standards. The Firm's Clients are individuals and companies.
Mandatory continuous professional training and many years of experience in the various sectors of activity guarantee the Firm's Clients the certainty of being assisted with the utmost competence and professionalism in every situation.
Internal control procedures, the use of the most advanced storage and communication technologies and the innovative approach employed in each practice area allow us to provide the Client with timely responses and on-demand solutions that are flexible and appropriate to their structural dimensions.
Civil and commercial mediator since 2010.
Coordinator for the Sicilian Region of the Aequitas ADR Foundation from 2010 to 2021, registered with the Ministry of Justice at no. 5 of the Mediation Bodies and at no. 19 of the List of Training Bodies held at the Ministry of Justice.
Responsible for the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl and for Relations with the Institutions referred to in Legislative Decree 4 March 2010, n. 28 and Decree of the Ministry of Justice n. 150 of 24.10.2023, at the Body accredited at n. 809 by the Ministry of Justice and as a Training Body registered at n. 427 of the Ministry of Justice List.
Civil and Commercial Mediator and Specialized Conciliator in the Consumer Sector since 2023.
It deals with cross-border disputes through the Mediators Team, on behalf of the Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl, registered on the ODR Platform accredited by the European Commission, which meets rigorous European quality criteria, to ensure effective, fair, independent management, to resolve any contractual dispute between a Consumer and a Trader based in the EU. The procedure can be used for any commercial sector (transport, banking, telecommunications, energy, electronic products, household appliances, car rental, services).
It deals with Dispute Resolution in the Energy sector at the Body accredited by ARERA - Energy, Networks and Environment Regulatory Authority at no. 2/DACU/2023, in the Communications sector - AGCOM at the Body accredited by the Communications Regulatory Authority, with Directorial Decision 1/2023 of 3 May 2023, pursuant to art. 141-octies of the Consumer Code and Annex A of Resolution 661/15/CONS and in the sector managed by the Transport Regulatory Authority - ART, at the Body accredited with note prot.. 2467/2023 of 27.06.2023.
Thanks to a long experience, he has gained a high level of expertise with the management of thousands of disputes in the field of air transport, with numerous conciliations that took place, in the Mediation phase, between Consumers and the main international airlines.
He coordinates and is responsible for the team composed of Professional Mediators expert in civil and commercial mediation, in international and consumer matters and by Trainers who aim to provide precise and rapid assistance, based on a constant in-depth study of the legal, regulatory and corporate scenarios, within which the institute of Mediation operates.
Organize regular meetings between team members to discuss ways of developing Mediation with continuous and circular exchange of information, expertise and ideas.
Foreign language: English
Tel. : 39 (0) 91 7828100
Sick. : 39 329 4313 915
Board of Directors
Dr. Alessia Pollina
Dr. Martina Pollina
Dr. Chiara Pollina
Coordinators of local branches
Attorney Manuela Gucciardo
Palermo (PA)
Attorney Pasquale Vullo
Agrigento (AG)
Attorney Salvatore Mangiapanelli (Accredited Office)
Marsala (TP)
Attorney Marco Parrinello
Mazara del Vallo (TP)
Attorney Annalisa Alongi (Accredited Office)
Menfi (AG)
Attorney Domenico Molluzzo (Accredited Office)
Milan (MI)
Attorney Angela Maria Sciglio (Accredited Office)
Taormina (ME)
Attorney Salvatore Sanci
Trapani (TP)
Attorney Vincenzo Calì
Villafratti (PA)
International Mediation Coordination
Attorney Alessandro Savoca
Coordination of Mediation in Consumer Matters
Avv. Mariarita Scacciaferro
Scientific Managers of the Organization
Dr. Mariastefania Bartoli
Attorney Carlo Alberto Calcagno
Attorney Rosario Dolce (accredited)
Stephanie Pennino
Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Conciliation Body accredited by the Ministry of Justice
Registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies
Registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies
Registered in the ADR-AGCOM List of Bodies at no. 1/2023
Registered in the List of ADR-ART Bodies prot. 24676/2023
Registered in the ADR-ARERA List of Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023
Registered on the ODR Platform managed by the European Commission
Tax code and VAT number 01996100507
Allianz Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. 253111508
Address: Via G. Sciuti, 164
90144 - Palermo
Pec: concordiaetius@mypec.euTelefono: 091 772 5986Fax: 091 772 5972
Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Conciliation Body accredited by the Ministry of Justice
Registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies
Registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies
Registered in the ADR-AGCOM List of Bodies at no. 1/2023
Registered in the List of ADR-ART Bodies prot. 24676/2023
Registered in the ADR-ARERA List of Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023
Registered on the ODR Platform managed by the European Commission
Tax code and VAT number 01996100507
Allianz Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. 253111508
Legal headquarters: Via G. Sciuti, 164
90144 - Palermo
Pec: concordiaetius@mypec.euTelefono: 39 091 772 5986Fax:
091 772 5972