Another perspective
Page updated on 22/10/2024
The Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl is registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies held at the Ministry of Justice, pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree 28/2010 and subsequent amendments and additions. It is also registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies for Mediators accredited by the same Ministry.
The Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl has also expanded its services in the field of ADR and also deals with Conciliation in consumer matters. In particular, it is registered in the List of ADR Bodies of the Authority for
Communications Guarantees (AGCOM), pursuant to art. 141-octies of the Consumer Code and Annex A of Resolution 661/15/Cons with Directorial Determination no. 1/2023 of 3.5.2023, to the List of ADR - ART Bodies in the field of Transport with Prot. 2467/2023 and to the List of ADR-ARERA Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023 and is registered with accreditation on the ODR Platform of the European Commission.
The Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl is registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies held at the Ministry of Justice, pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree 28/2010 and subsequent amendments and additions. It is also registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies for Mediators accredited by the same Ministry.
The Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl has also expanded its services in the field of ADR and also deals with Conciliation in consumer matters. In particular, it is registered in the List of ADR Bodies of the Communications Regulatory Authority (AGCOM), pursuant to art. 141-octies of the Consumer Code and Annex A of Resolution 661/15/Cons with Directorial Determination no. 1/2023 of 3.5.2023, in the List of ADR Bodies - ART in the field of Transport with Prot. 2467/2023 and in the List of ADR-ARERA Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023 and is registered with accreditation on the ODR Platform of the European Commission.
The Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl was created with the aim of encouraging the promotion of the culture of Mediation, with a view to administering and trying to resolve disputes, both national and international, both civil and commercial, including corporate and consumer disputes, in all areas in which the Mediation procedure is legislatively provided for in matters of available rights, between private individuals, between companies, between associations or entities, between companies and consumers, between companies and Public Administration, as an alternative and in support of the bodies of ordinary jurisdiction, intending to propose itself as a reference Mediation Body of high professional standing.
The Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl was created with the aim of encouraging the promotion of the culture of Mediation, with a view to administering and trying to resolve disputes, both national and international, both civil and commercial, including corporate and consumer disputes, in all areas in which the Mediation procedure is legislatively provided for in matters of available rights, between private individuals, between companies, between associations or entities, between companies and consumers, between companies and Public Administration, as an alternative and in support of the bodies of ordinary jurisdiction, intending to propose itself as a reference Mediation Body of high professional standing.
The nature of Mediation itself requires that the Parties are normally present in person at the meeting with the Mediator. The institute, in fact, aims to reactivate communication between the litigants in order to enable them to verify the possibility of an agreed solution to the conflict, avoiding unnecessary recourse to jurisdictional activity, and this necessarily implies that an immediate interaction between the Parties in front of the Mediator is possible. On the other hand, the main meaning of Mediation is precisely the recognition of people as authors of the path to the resolution of conflicts involving them and the return of the floor to the Parties for a new focus of Justice, where communication between the Parties must be effective and not instead resolve itself in a mere formality completely unsuitable to explain that deflationary function desired by the legislator in accordance with the constitutional and European principles.
The nature of Mediation itself requires that the Parties are normally present in person at the meeting with the Mediator. The institute, in fact, aims to reactivate communication between the litigants in order to enable them to verify the possibility of an agreed solution to the conflict, avoiding unnecessary recourse to jurisdictional activity, and this necessarily implies that an immediate interaction between the Parties in front of the Mediator is possible. On the other hand, the main meaning of Mediation is precisely the recognition of people as authors of the path to the resolution of conflicts involving them and the return of the floor to the Parties for a new focus of Justice, where communication between the Parties must be effective and not instead resolve itself in a mere formality completely unsuitable to explain that deflationary function desired by the legislator in accordance with the constitutional and European principles.
Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Conciliation Body accredited by the Ministry of Justice
Registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies
Registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies
Registered in the ADR-AGCOM List of Bodies at no. 1/2023
Registered in the List of ADR-ART Bodies prot. 24676/2023
Registered in the ADR-ARERA List of Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023
Registered on the ODR Platform managed by the European Commission
Tax code and VAT number 01996100507
Allianz Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. 253111508
Address: Via G. Sciuti, 164
90144 - Palermo
Pec: concordiaetius@mypec.euTelefono: 091 772 5986Fax: 091 772 5972
Conciliation Body Concordia et Ius srl
Conciliation Body accredited by the Ministry of Justice
Registered at no. 809 of the Register of Conciliation Bodies
Registered at no. 427 of the List of Training Bodies
Registered in the ADR-AGCOM List of Bodies at no. 1/2023
Registered in the List of ADR-ART Bodies prot. 24676/2023
Registered in the ADR-ARERA List of Bodies at no. 2/DACU/2023
Registered on the ODR Platform managed by the European Commission
Tax code and VAT number 01996100507
Allianz Professional Liability Insurance Policy No. 253111508
Legal headquarters: Via G. Sciuti, 164
90144 - Palermo
Pec: concordiaetius@mypec.euTelefono: 39 091 772 5986Fax:
091 772 5972